Ngurambangga yanhanha - Walk on Country
Experience the wonder of the Milawa bila (Murray River) and the Yindyamarra Sculpture Walk. Let Wiradjuri women, Aunty Ruth explain the behind the scenes stories of how the artist created their work while you enjoy the serenity of the walk.
Email enquires to ruthandpet@giilangyaldhaanygalang.com or
Ring or text 0427042209 or Send a message on facebook

Yindyamarra Sculpture Walk 1 hour
Starting with a Welcome to Country, immerse yourself in Wiradjuri language as you are amazed at the artwork along the trail during this 1 hour fast paced walk that takes in Northern loop of the trail.
Sunscreen and insect repellent included.
Must bring a hat and water
1.5 - 2 hour walk
At normal walking pace, you will see and experience all of the sculptures along the Northern loop of the trail including the Wiradjuri Culture that is not signposted in between the sculptures.

2.5 - 3 hour walk
At normal walking pace, you will see and experience all of the sculptures along the figure 8 route of both the Northern and Southern loops of the trail including the Wiradjuri Culture that is not signposted in between the sculptures.
Bush tucker tasting
Quote provided on request
Include a bush tucker tasting at the end of your walk. Try some wattle seed damper or lemon myrtle cheesecake. Gluten free options available.